Feb 11, 2023
Never have I seen this country so divided. You’re probably already aware of the many ways that Americans disagree, so I’ll spare you a recitation of the issues. What concerns me is the way our arguments now come with a vehemence that can rupture friendships, families, or even the nation.
As crazy as it sounds, some Californians are talking about secession from the United States. Angry Californians can rightly point out that they are the biggest, richest, and most culturally progressive state in the country, and their voices should be heard. At $2.46 trillion, California’s GDP makes it the 6th biggest economy in the world. It’s bigger than France and just a little smaller than the United Kingdom. California is a giant, and removing it from the United States would be like detonating a nuclear bomb in the American economy.
I’m used to hearing Texans joke about secession, so I’m not worried that this will actually happen. It won’t, because it would be insanely difficult, complicated, and painful. If California wanted to quit the United States, it would probably need to create an entire new currency and banking system, just to get started. What would happen to all the Federal resources like military bases and fantastically expensive San Diego-based aircraft carriers? What would we do about citizenship, borders, and trade? This is technically known as a clusterfuck, so secession is almost impossible. But I am concerned about what this sort of talk means for the country.
First, all the fear and uncertainty in the air is terrible for investment. Currently, I see business-as-usual, but we’re all still adjusting to a new reality. If our national anxiety level remains this high, it’s bound to make people more cautious about investing, and that hurts us all. Second, I still believe in America, and I don’t want to see our divisions deepen. So how should we look at things?
We’ve still got a lot going for us. Our economy is nearly as big as the next 3 biggest countries combined. We have natural resources, defensible borders, a capable workforce, and a resilient political system. We all believe in liberty. Most of us believe in capitalism. And current gloom aside, Americans are known around the world as the most optimistic, can-do people there are. I wasn’t around to see it, but we’ve been deeply divided and anxious before (Civil War, anybody?) and yet we’re still here.
I think our national division boils down to one basic thing. The US is a big, diverse nation in which different competing groups keep trying to impose their visions on other groups. That includes both cultural conservatives and people who fetishize diversity and want to impose progressivism on everybody. Let’s all learn to live and let live.
Ironically, Americans of all stripes might finally be ready to line up behind states’ rights. Republicans have sought more state power for a long time and Democrats who are upset about the new management now see the light. We can empower citizens to address problems without imposing anything on faraway people with different views. This long overdue devolution of power to state and local governments is just what we need.
America can still work. Problem solving is what we do. It’s what makes us American and it’s also what makes us rich. Angry Californians and Americans from across the nation: don’t quit on us. As long as we don’t fuck it up, we still have all the advantages in the world.
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